Industry News
Automotive technology innovation in the field of automotive electronics technology accounted for Qi
Electronic engineering it OFweek News: According to statistics, nearly three decades, the field of automotive technology innovation, about 70% comes from the automotive electronics technology. The rapid development of automotive electronics technology, the car power, economy, safety, comfort and intelligent information technology have made remarkable development. Things vehicle networking as an important part of the field of intelligent transportation, the state has been very seriously. China Road Transport Association and always adhere to the "two-way service" for the purpose of promoting the development of the industry, technological progress and scientific management and tireless efforts.
China Road Association president Kong Weiguo said, compared with passenger cars, passenger cars tend to use more network management and collaboration, the need to integrate different brands of vehicles to control a platform, and the need to multiple organizations (transport companies, depot, government) to provide services, which is a single depot can not be completed in order to solve this problem, the Ministry of Road and Transportation Division two years ago, the organization held a seminar each bus factory building public bus service platform. Preferably, the current number of companies. We have made more relevant, but also the development of China's passenger car networking has played a catalytic role.
Has now entered the era of big data, vehicle networking opportunity where? Platform how to do? What is the business model? How to operate? What are the difficulties faced again? In this regard, Kong Weiguo gave an answer. In terms of product features, in-depth analysis: What is the demand for passenger transport industry? What can bring value to the passenger business? How to drive business efficiency? Only when these things out of the car in order to truly understand the role; also strengthen trade exchanges, learn from each other.
In the direction of the business model, more attention to the development mode of the mobile Internet, to break complacency mode. Take advantage of a large platform, big data, and establish a close business relationship with the passenger business, service providers, operators, government, etc., to achieve business transformation and business model innovation, to achieve win-win.
For platforms and terminal vendors, some suggestions Kong Weiguo, one hopes to keep pace with market demand, the development of a more fitting manage demand for products; on the other hand, hoping to stations and then higher, from the perspective of industry management, providing industry solutions; such as access to transport.
Recommendations for transport companies, Kong Weiguo make is hoping to really focus on networking technology used in the car real place, not only in response to government requirements.
Our vehicle network technology, is still in the stage of development, is also facing some difficulties, such as the extent of people's lack of awareness of vehicle networking, high cost, service fee increases, the information is safe, supporting, etc. are complete. In this regard, with the continuous efforts of all parties, networking products continue to mature car, passenger car networking development will be more healthy and mature.